Геральдика на почтовых марках Украины с 1992- 2009 года. 

1995. Гетьмани України. Петро Кононович Конашевич-Сагайдачний. Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi. Date of issue: 22nd July 1995 Designer: J.G.Logvin Paper: coated Printing process: offset Perforation: 13 1/2 Size: 40 x 28 mm Sheet composition: 36 (6 x 6) stamps Printing run: 1.000.000 Michel catalogue numbers: 144 30000 (K) multicoloured. Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi, stage of storm by hetman''s army town Kafa (Feodosiya) in 1616y

1995. Герби міст України. Герби міст України. Герб м. Луганська. Regional Arms. Date of issue: 15th September 1995 Designer: V.Kuzmenko Paper: coated Printing process: offset Perforation: 13 1/2 Size: 28 x 40 mm Sheet composition: 36 (6 x 6) stamps Printing run: 1.000.000 Michel catalogue numbers: 145 10000 (K) multicoloured. Arms of Lugansk

1995. Гетьмани України. Богдан (Зиновій) Михайлович Хмельницький. Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitskyi. Date of issue: 23d September 1995 Designer: J.G.Logvin Paper: coated Printing process: offset Perforation: 12 1/4 x 12 Size: 52 x 25 mm Sheet composition: 40 (5 x 8) stamps Printing run: 1.000.000 Michel catalogue numbers: 147 40000 (K) multicoloured. Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitskyi., stage of liberation war, people listening kobsar

1995. Герби міст України. Герби міст України. Герб м. Чернігів. Regional Arms. Date of issue: 22nd October 1995 Designer: V.Kuzmenko Paper: coated Printing process: offset Perforation: 13 1/2 Size: 28 x 40 mm Sheet composition: 36 (6 x 6) stamps Printing run: 1.000.000 Michel catalogue numbers: 151 10000 (K) multicoloured. Arms of Chernigov

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